Hormonal Forecaster - Influencing Gender

Hormonal Forecasterby Clocking Edge Software

“I personally found the Shettles technique to work for me with my daughter. My husband and I had fun with it knowing that it couldn’t hurt to try and might increase our odds.”

-- Elizabeth (California, USA)

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Choosing Gender

The prospect of choosing your child’s gender is a common wish with several possible techniques. The effectiveness of these natural means is still controversial. Ultimately, your first priority should always be for the health of your child regardless of gender. Still, there are instances where parents might hope for a specific gender. Frequently this occurs when a family has several children who are all the same sex (for example all boys) and would also like a child of the opposite sex (a girl) to balance the family.

One popular approach is the Shettles Method. This suggests that you can increase the odds of conceiving a desired gender by timing intercourse around ovulation. The concept originates from the work of Dr. Landrum Shettles who concluded that female chromosome carrying sperm outlive their male counterparts. Based upon this finding, he advocates that intercourse should occur frequently well before ovulation to conceive a girl (typically 2 or 3 days before ovulation) and only right before ovulation to conceive a boy (ideally the day before ovulation).

The effectiveness of this approach has been unproven. Many couples have found it to be successful, but it’s difficult to interpret these results since the natural odds are evenly stacked at fifty-fifty. Later published studies have been unable to find any conclusive link between the timing of intercourse and a baby’s gender. The validity of the Shettles Method is therefore still unproven despite its popularity.

Despite parental wishes, there is limited control over the sex of their child. Many folk remedies offer suggestions to assist in conceiving a boy or a girl. The bottom line is that there is no irrefutable evidence to suggest that there is a natural means to allow parents to influence or choose gender.

The Hormonal Forecaster includes scientific means of tracking fertility by identifying ovulation. Natural family planning techniques such as symptothermal charting are scientifically backed and reputable in their effectiveness. Techniques to influence a baby’s gender are not as decisive. There are reports and opinions to support and invalidate the various techniques. Because of the popularity of the Shettles Method, it is frequently requested for inclusion in the Hormonal Forecaster. It has been made available in version 4.0 and is left up to the user to form their own opinions. Unlike the program’s fertility features, gender selection is not concretely scientifically backed. With that caveat in mind, try to have fun with this optional feature. At the very least you’ll have your natural fifty-fifty odds.

Other software fertility tools also include gender selection features. Despite stronger marketing, their effectiveness is equally questionable. The Hormonal Forecaster only aims to present scientifically backed fertility techniques. Since gender selection lacks concrete scientific proof, our approach is to present evidence on both sides while providing the tools for those interested in trying to time intercourse according to the Shettles Method. It is very easy to find other tools that utilize the same or similarly questionable techniques but will optimistically advertise better results. Be advised that there is scientific evidence that questions the effectiveness of these techniques and then make your own decision. The Hormonal Forecaster utilizes the popular Shettles Method for gender selection through the timing of intercourse exactly as its supporters advocate.

If you are interested in more information about both sides the effectiveness of gender selection techniques, please refer to some of the articles linked on the Resource page.

Note: Gender selection features are now available in version 4.0 of the Hormonal Forecaster.